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Free Downloadable Version of BioDatomics

posted Nov 4, 2020, 7:40 PM by Tim Higgins   [ updated Nov 4, 2020, 7:44 PM ]

There is now a downloadable version of BioDatomics which has been specially developed to operate as a standalone working version which include a variety of tools and analysis options for users to get a grasp of how powerful this new platform is.

We welcome anyone to download the free version and try it out. On the same download page there are a selection of useful videos to help users get started and begin to understand how to complete some of the basic tasks. If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact us and we will get right back to you!

BioDatomics is Coming!

posted Oct 26, 2020, 10:06 PM by Tim Higgins

For the developers here at BioDatomics, the end is never in sight; we strive continuously to add to our product and now boast over 100 analysis tools, plugin architecture, terrific data speeds and an interface that glues it all together. This really is the 21st century's answer to High Throughput Sequencing, NGS and all the other developing research that has propelled the possibilities of new discovery ever forward. Our partnership with Valex LLC will ensure that the researchers that choose BioDatomics will get the best data delivery and storage available. The collaborative nature of the platform allows easy data sharing and the servers we offer power it all enabling deeper more rapid discovery. We began our project with the same desire that we still retain and hold highest; to advance the understanding of molecular biology through innovative analysis and further the interests of mankind's quest for the prevention and cure of disease.

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